Tuesday 29 December 2015

Facts About Tradies Income Protection!!!

Experiencing an injury and to take a period of time off work at some stage of your life on low or no pay can be stressful at time. Income protection is absolutely vital for tradies running their own businesses or working as sub-contractors as they have no access to sick leave’s or compensation.

What is Income Protection Insurance?

Income protection is specially designed to replace your income if you cannot work for a period of time due to an injury or illness. Depending on the policy option you choose, Income protection can replace upto 75% of your income all the way.

Tradies Think that its’s Too Expensive:-

This just an excuse we hear from tradies when quoting their income protection Insurance. It is correct that income protection is costly but you can choose your policy wisely. Some injuries may result in a few weeks off work, which most tradies will be able to get through. But what if you couldn’t work for a few months, a few years or ever again? That’s where income protection can cover your injuries at or away from work.

If you still believe that the cost of income protection is too high, speak to your trade insurance broker about other options which may mean you can get a more basic level of cover for a more affordable price and they will be more happy to tell you about the tradies whom they have helped through the process of claiming on their income protection policies.

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